Since 1990, the Cultus Sabbati has produced a body of work in essay form, appearing in varied occult and esoteric journals over the years. Many of these works will be released in the future as bound and printed volumes. The following essays examine some of the concepts treated within the Sabbatic Current, and are reproduced here with permission.
1. ‘Sentient Nostalgias, Old Craft’d’
How Atavism, the great latencies of the pre-incarnate, function as a form of the Ars Memoria. Written by Robert Fitzgerald, an initiate of the Cultus Sabbati and the Column of the Crooked Path.
A consideration of the atavistic perpetuity of the Witch-Cult, its sorcerous topology and appropriate nomenclature.
Concerning the wandering metaphysic of exile within Traditional Craft, and its power as a process of magical transference and syncretism over time.