Azoëtia Third Edition Update

Due to production and material sourcing issues, as well as the September death of Cultus Sabbati brother Michael Howard, the release of The Azoëtia Third edition has been long delayed. We appreciate the support our extended community has shown during this time.

Production of The Azoëtia has now wrapped and shipping of the standard edition will commence on January 29th, 2016 and will be completed by February 10. Deluxe and Special editions will follow in due course over the next six weeks. Books shall be mailed in the order in which they were reserved; however, we anticipate a rapid fulfilment cycle.

Because of the added production delay, we have taken the opportunity to make several enhancements to the book, including the addition of three original images by Andrew D. Chumbley not present in the first or second editions, and the inclusion of a new Preface to the Third Edition written by Frater A.H.I. and Soror I.

Please note that our pre-order sales drive is complete and the book is no longer available for purchase. Retail distributors of the title in the United States include J.D. Holmes Bookseller, Weiser Antiquarian, and Fields Books. Canadian customers are directed to Thompson Rare Books. Customers in the United Kingdom may purchase The Azoëtia from Watkins Books and Midian Books.

IN MEMORIAM: Michael Howard (1948–2015)

With profound sadness we announce the passing of Michael Howard, author, folklorist, publisher, witchcraft authority, and Elder of the Cultus Sabbati. He died peacefully after a short illness, in the county of Devonshire, England, with family and friends by his side. The Craft suffers a great loss at his departure.

Many know of Michael’s tireless work in publishing The Cauldron, the U.K.’s premiere journal of witchcraft, paganism, and folklore, begun in the 1970s. The publication enjoys great popularity and draws from a considerable diversity of sources and traditions. Often controversial, it has always nonetheless been substantive and original, reflecting Michael’s ability to draw together many different strands of practitioners, creating networks that endure to this day.

A member of several lodges, covines, and guilds, Michael’s magical expertise drew upon many esoteric strands, including herbalism, freemasonry, ceremonial magic, esoteric Christianity, and the folklore of his native British Isles. In particular, his understanding of Luciferian gnosis and magic was an instrumental force in shaping present-day cunning-craft. In the last two decades of his life, he devoted the entirety of his magical work to traditional craft, and was an exemplary practitioner and teacher.

The author of over 30 books, Michael published on a variety of esoteric topics over his lifetime. Perhaps his most influential books were Pillars of Tubal Cain, The Book of Fallen Angels, and Children of Cain. Some of his written ritual work, rarely published, also appeared in The Psalter of Cain, the Cultus Sabbati’s gathering of rites and charms in honour of Cain, patron of witches. Several of Michael’s unpublished texts remain in the wings for future publication through Xoanon and Three Hands Press, as was his wish.

We remember him as a man of many virtues, of great humour, insight, and courage, as well as his insistence on standing by his brethren, and defending the Craft. Above all, he exemplified the stance of Light-Bringer, and, in its function as tenebrator, the Opposer of Shadow.

In this time of mourning, we appreciate and thank our private community for all the support given to Michael and the Cultus over the years, and pledge continued honour to his memory, within the Circle and without.

Messages of condolence may be sent to:

1511 Sycamore Avenue
PMB 131
Hercules, CA 94547

‘Thou art our Brother past, and our Brother yet to be.’


Past, Present, Future…

Four RoadsWe have been fielding a number of inquiries regarding specifics of our publishing continuum.

With regard to our back catalogue, our selection of printed matter is exceedingly scarce. For out of print titles we recommend contacting our postal box directly or a member of our usual distribution network. For those attending the 2015 Esoteric Book Conference in Seattle, please be advised that our usual distributor, J.D. Holmes, will not be attending this year. Those present at the conference seeking to purchase select titles from our backstock are directed to Wonderella Printed, who will be representing our work this year. A small selection of past titles and editions will be available.

Continued delays at press and in the bindery have pushed Azoëtia: A Grimoire of the Sabbatic Craft third edition back until late October for an All Hallows release. We ask continued patience for manifestation of this essential text and thank our subscribership for their support. Please note that pre-orders on this title are heavy and we expect the entirety of the press run to be sold out by time of publication.

In November, Xoanon will also announce a new title by mail to our private subscribership, which is currently being prepared for press.

Assumption of the Virgin

AZO_updateThe Third Edition of Andrew D. Chumbley’s Azoëtia: A Grimoire of the Sabbatic Craft, being long delayed in press, is now re-scheduled for release on August 15. Shipping of the standard edition pre-orders will commence on August 17, in the sequence they were ordered, and run for two weeks thereafter, due to the large number of customers. The deluxe and special editions of Azoëtia will, at this time, be sent to our hand bindery, and released in early Autumn. Please note that changes to Xoanon’s current production schedule do not affect announcements for forthcoming titles which are also planned for this year.

Third Edition of Azoëtia Announced

The third edition of Azoëtia: A Grimoire of the Sabbatic Craft by Andrew D. Chumbley has just been announced to our private subscribership via postal mail. The standard issue of the title is due out in late March of this year, and represents a substantial undertaking in the conservatorship and dissemination of the public source-texts of Cultus Sabbati. Retaining the critical Sethos Edition text, the whole has been newly typeset and its outer vestments have undergone a refinement in design.

Azoëtia is the first of three titles to be produced by Xoanon for 2015, the other two being previously unpublished. Subscribers in good standing will be notified of forthcoming imminent releases at the appropriate hour.
