Xoanon Publishing Ltd specialises in limited fine editions and operates a private subscription policy for the sale of its works. We thank our existing subscribers for their patient and generous support of our work to date. Those interested in the purchase of future titles but not yet on our private list may write to our address. Your name and details will then be placed on our private subscriber list and you will be notified in advance as soon as a new title is available for reservation. If confirmation of your placement on the subscriber list is required, please enclose an SAE.
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While Xoanon operates primarily as a service to its private subscribership, we also place our volumes with selected occult booksellers. Those seeking second-hand and post-publication copies of our titles are referred to JD Holmes Bookseller in the United States, and Midian Books in the United Kingdom. Reputable book dealers handling our titles include both Miskatonic Books in the USA and Courtyard Books in Glastonbury, England.